South Korea


Early Career Development Workshop
(ECADEW 2023)


This year 2023, ECADEW  is co-organized by Ubuntu Forum and WARESA South-Korea.

ECADEW provides an opportunity for researchers in their early careers to discuss their research and early-career challenges with peers and senior mentors and to initiate international networks related to their research topics. Applications are invited from individuals in a variety of early career positions,
such as tenure-track, post-doc, private sector or similar.


The goals of this Workshop are to:

-Foster community building among the cohort of early career researchers and between early and more senior researchers to develop academic, professional, and personal support networks.
-Deepen participants’ understandings of the elements of successful academic and professional development, including the building of a research program, requirements for tenure and other professional benchmarks, pointers for grant proposal and journal writing, mentoring graduate students, preparation for multidisciplinary and multi-cultural collaborations, and negotiating a balance among institutional service, academic writing, and teaching.


The workshop will run for a day on 21st October 2023 at Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea. A significant amount of time will be devoted to small group interactions where early career participants can present their research and receive feedback from peers and mentors. There will also be opportunities for informal interactions with peers
and mentors on an impromptu basis and as part of organized social events.
Mentors and panelists are mid-career and senior scholars who are active in Ubuntu Forum and ARESKA.

A detailed schedule will be published before the event.

The Early Career workshop is opened to all students in Korea from Africa. However, early career researchers on master’s or PhD levels will be invited for presentation.

Application Process
Applicants should fill the below registration form.  

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